Blog Name:
Hack DiaryBlog Owner: Matt Biddulph
I'm based in London, although I'm travelling at the moment. I'm a freelance software designer and creative technologist; contact me if you are interested in working together. I used to work at the BBC, in Radio and Music Interactive, where I was leader of the software architecture team, aka Head of Plugging Things Into Other Things. We made good things.
I like open source software, open data, music and radio, mobile and wireless, Unix, distributed computing and messaging, REST, hardware hacking, PVRs, iPods, python, ruby, rails, massive media, digital photography, RDF, semi-structured content and corpus analysis, finding patterns in information, the internet, laptops, video, xhtml and css, Debian, Macs, conferences, snowboarding and all kinds of other stuff.
Technorati Tags:
hacks open source software technology computers